Railroads & Railways Trains RR
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Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company 1889 $48
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Stock |
Boston & Albany RR Co. 1913 Bond $45
Central Ohio Rail Road Company as reorganized 18_ unissued Stock State of Ohio $65
Chicago Rock Island & Pacific RR Company Brown $14
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Stock Olive Green Sold
Chicago Rock Island & Pacific RR Company Blue $14
Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago St Louis $1000 Bond 1927 $30
Cleveland Columbus Cincinnati Indianapolis Railway Co. Stock 1874 $95 |
Cleveland Pittsburgh RR Co. 1924 Stock $50
Delaware Lackawanna & Western Railroad Blue $19
Delaware Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co 1942 $1000 Bond $60
Duquesne Traction 1937 Stock $80
Erie Lackawanna Railroad Stock Red $15
Erie Lackawanna Railroad Stock Brown $15
Erie Railroad Company 100 Shares Blue Common Stock $15
Helena Motor Railway Co. $100 Share Unissued $95
Lehigh Valley Terminal Railway Company $1000 1894 Bond $40
New Jersey Junction Railroad Company $1000 Bond 1944 $35
New York Central RR Brown $8 |
New York Chicago and St Louis Railroad Nickel Plate Road $14
New York New Haven and Hartford RR Bond 1953
Ocean City Railroad Company Stock Certificate low #6 issued in 1884 Very Rare! $975 |
Oregon and Transcontinental Company $1000 Bond Certificate 1882 $50 |
Oregon and Transcontinental Company Stock Green 1888 $35
Oregon and Transcontinental Company Stock Brown 1886 $25 |
Oregon and Transcontinental Company issued to W H Starbuck for 900 shares in 1886 Brown. The Towne of Starbuck, Washington was named in honor of General W H Starbuck, of New York, he was one of the officials and stockholders of the Oregon, Railway and Navigation Company. On the first trip over the road, General W H Starbuck promised a bell to the first church built and the bell is still in service. $75 |
Pennsylvania Railroad Company Horses Green $9 |
Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Horseshoe Curve Green $5
Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Horseshoe Curve Orange $5
Philadelphia Wilmington Baltimore RR Co. 1870 Stock $25
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Stock Green $19
Pullman 's Palace Car Company 1898 Great Vignettes $95
United New Jersey Railroad & Canal Co. $1000 Bond $35
Office of the United New Jersey Railroad and Canal Company 1878 Stock issued and signed by Benjamin Miller $75
West Jersey and Seashore RR Company 1915 Stock $39
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